2012 was a good year

I haven't posted much recently, but that's because I've been working on a project that I want to launch soon (more details to follow later). But I did want to take a little time to post some year end metrics for the website. This year was a pretty good one for me: I co-authored the book jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials, I wrote a series of very successful articles on Ember.js including one that was published in the Adobe Developer Connection. I also released a series of add-ons for jQuery Mobile including jQuery Mobile Bootstrap Theme, jQuery Mobile Boilerplate and jQuery Mobile Icon Pack. Finally I was lucky to have been able to contribute towards the development of the Yeoman web development toolkit alongside Addy Osmani, Paul Irish, and many others. I even wrote an article about Yeoman that was published in the Adobe Developer Connection.

This year looks to be even more exciting. I started writing for NetTuts late last year so look for more articles published with them. Raymond Camden and I will be releasing an updated version of our jQuery Mobile book sometime before summer. Finally, I have the previously mentioned top secret jQuery Mobile related project which I hope to release in the next few weeks. The rest of 2013 is wide open. How about some stats to wrap it up 2012?

Blog Stats

I wrote 42 posts this year, which was up 9 from 2011. Hopefully this coming year I'll be able to get to one a week. My articles received 670 comments with just a handful of articles receiving the lions share of the chatter.

My traffic remaining pretty consistent this year with a few major blips as you can see by this chart.

2012 stats

The two high points were my Getting Started with Ember and Command Line Tools for the Novice articles, both of which made it to the front page of Hacker News. The Ember article received 12,006 views on June 10th and the command line article received 8,754 on July 27. Here's the rest of the stats by the by the numbers.

Overall Visitor Stats

Unique Visitors:197,389

Comment Count

Comments Post
153 jQuery Mobile Autocomplete now available
66 Font Awesome icons now included in jQuery Mobile Icon Pack
54 Getting Started With EmberJS
50 SwipeButton jQuery Mobile plugin launches. Millions rejoice
40 jQuery Mobile Icon Pack - Extra icons for your jQuery Mobile project!
15 Command line tools for the novice
12 Ember.js observables. So you like to watch!
10 Rewriting Backbone.js wineshop demo using Ember.js
9 New jQuery Mobile theme: Twitter Bootstrap
6 Unit Testing jQuery Plugins with Grunt and QUnit
5 Saying Goodbye to jQuery Mobile
5 jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials coming soon
5 Streamline your workflow with the Divvy window manager

Visitors by Country

Country / TerritoryVisits% Visits
1.United States77,70728.23%
3.United Kingdom20,4937.44%

Visitors by Browser

BrowserVisits% Visits
4.Internet Explorer18,5836.75%
5.Mozilla Compatible Agent4,8561.76%
6.Android Browser4,5731.66%
8.Opera Mini4220.15%
9.Safari (in-app)3510.13%
10.IE with Chrome Frame1790.07%

Visitors by Traffic Source

Search Traffic 50.19% 138,182 Visits
Referral Traffic 36.30% 99,929 Visits
Direct Traffic 13.01% 35,808 Visits

Content Traffic

Page Pageviews Uniques
1. Creating and using custom icons in jQuery Mobile 32,208 29,495
2. jQuery Mobile Autocomplete now available 29,848 22,978
3. Getting Started With EmberJS 29,526 26,957
4. Add a Twitter for iPhone Style Swipe Menu to jQuery Mobile 28,243 19,720
5. jQuery Mobile Icon Pack Extra icons for your jQuery Mobile project! 25,141 21,351
6. Refreshing jQuery Mobile listviews, buttons, select dropdowns, and input fields 19,831 18,642
7. Adding iPhone style swipe to delete button to a listview component in jQuery Mobile 19,799 15,090
8. SwipeButton jQuery Mobile plugin launches. Millions rejoice! 17,705 12,732