Andy needs new books! Help him out!
I love to read, anyone who knows me knows that. I've been reading since I was a little kid, starting with The Hobbit when I was 7, Chronicles of Narnia right after that, and it's all been downhill since then. I've read primarily science-fiction and fantasy, but in the last year I've been starting to read more non-fiction, business development and motivational books. Books like Kitchen Confidential, Good to Great, Purple Cow, and Delivering Happiness.
I'm always on the lookout for new books to add to my ever growing list and I'd love to enlist you, my loyal readers, to help me out. I'm sure that you can introduce me to authors and books I've never heard of that I'd absolutely love. So, I'm going to write a list of my favorite authors/books and I'd love for you to make suggestions based on your own experiences. The below list is in no particular order. I'd also love to chat about any of the books or authors listed below.
- Favorite Books
- Battlefield Earth - L. Ron Hubbard
- Starship Troopers - Robert Heinlein
- Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy
- The Seventh Sword series - Dave Duncan
- Galactic Milieu series - Julian May
- The Belgariad / The Mallorean series - David Eddings
- Dragonriders of Pern series - Anne McCaffrey
- Crystal Singer series - Anne McCaffrey
- Purple Cow - Seth Godin
- Delivering Happiness - Tony Hsieh
- The Emberverse series - SM Stirling
- Foundation series - Isaac Asimov
- Incarnations of Immortality series - Piers Anthony
- Mistborn series - Brandon Sanderson
- Mote in God's Eye - Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
- Friday - Robert Heinlein
- The Rings of the Master series - Jack Chalker
- Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien
- Favorite Authors
- Tom Clancy
- Robert Asprin
- JRR Tolkien
- Julian May
- Robert Heinlein
- Dave Duncan (I named by dog after him!)
- David Eddings
- SM Stirling (thanks Ray!)
- Piers Anthony
- Anne McCaffrey
- Seth Godin
- Jim Collins
This is by no means a complete list. I've got about 200-300 books at home, with about 20 of them never having been read yet. I've got an Evernote list that I pull from anytime I go to a book store, and that's what I'm hoping to add to with your help. Thanks and add your favorites in the comments below.