Blackberry PlayBook Tablet Design Template
You might have already noticed the stir that the Blackberry PlayBook Tablet has been making these days. I'm interested in it, along with thousands of other developers and tech geeks. I'm planning on taking RIM up on their offer of giving me a free PlayBook tablet simply for developing an application and getting it into the Blackberry App World. As I begin my journey towards completing my application I realized that I was missing something. I begin my projects with the design first. I find that it's easier for me to visualize the rest of the application once the design is in place. It also gives you something to move towards. But I looked around and couldn't find one since the PlayBook is so new, so I made my own; and I'm giving it away to you for free.
You can download the Blackberry PlayBook Tablet Design Template as a layered CS5 Photoshop document. It contains a photorealistic representation of the Playbook at actual size in 72dpi. Once more information about the device comes out I'll consider adding widgets and graphical elements as requested. Hope you enjoy!