Come see me speak at cf.Objective() 2010. Minneapolis can't wait to see you!
I just found out that I'll be speaking again this year at cf.Objective(), the premier Enterprise level ColdFusion developers conference, the week of April 22-24 . I'll be presenting on "What's New in Adobe AIR 2.0" and reviewing many of the new features Adobe will be putting out with AIR 2.0, code-named Athena. Functionality like support for the detection of mass storage devices, advanced networking capabilities like secure sockets, UDP support, and the ability to listen on sockets, support for native code integration, new APIs for access to raw microphone data, and global error handling. Its gonna be great!
I'd like to thank Sean Corfield, and the rest of the cf.Objective steering committee for approving my topic submission. Minneapolis and I can't wait to see you in April.