I'm speaking at MAX 2010!

I've finally been called up to the big leagues! Early last week I was asked to lead a BYOL (bring your own laptop) session at Adobe's MAX conference, October 23-27. This is a 90 minute hands-on session, and it's right up my alley, Learn to Build a Desktop Application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Adobe AIR. It's gonna be a challenge, developing my curriculum in 3 weeks, when everyone else has had 3 months, but I'm confident I can do it.

If you're coming to MAX, and want to learn more about developing rich, compelling, desktop applications with HTML/CSS and JavaScript, then don't miss my session. I promise that you'll leave with all the information you need to becom the hero at your workplace. Click here to view the session in the MAX Scheduler!

Special thanks to Ryan Stewart, and Rob Christensen for being willing to bring me on so late in the game, I won't let you guys down.