jQuery Mobile turns 1.0 today!

In case you hadn't already heard the news, jQuery Mobile has a birthday today. That's right, everyone's favorite mobile web framework turns 1.0. It's been a long time coming and the teams at Adobe and Filament Group, along with everyone in the community, have really worked hard to make this a great release.

I had no idea when I started using jQuery Mobile last fall what a ride it would turn out to be. In just a little more than a year I've used it for my social networking startup, written numerous blog posts about jQuery Mobile, contributed bug fixes to the jQuery Mobile source, presented jQuery Mobile to hundreds of people around the country, agreed to teach an actual course on jQuery Mobile over at, and signed on to co-author a book on jQuery Mobile with friend and fellow developer Ray Camden.

If you're looking for an easy to learn, rapid to develop in, and fun all-around mobile web framework, then look no further than jQuery Mobile. Congratulations guys, you've earned it.