My cf.Objective Schedule - 2009
Here's a list of the sessions I plan on taking during cf.Objective().
Wednesday May 13th
5:30 | TCCFUG presentation: Mura CMS - Blue River - RSVP via TCCFUG website
7:00 | Opening Reception, sponsored by Blue River / Mura CMS
Thursday May 14th
9:00 | Adobe Keynote
10:15 | Introduction to OO Modeling and Design - Kotek
11:30 | Taking Code Reuse to a Higher Level - Chastain
1:45 | Rapid OO Development with ColdFusion Frameworks - Mandel
3:00 | Subversion for Smarties - Childress
4:15 | Rad OO in Code - Bell
Friday May 15th
9:00 | Exploring Reatime apps with ColdFusion and BlazeDS - Blackman
10:15 | Build a ColdFusion powered AIR application - Wilson
11:30 | Building applications for the desktop - Sadek
1:45 | Coldbox platform : More than MVC - Majano
3:00 | ColdSpring, better living through configuration - Drew
4:30 | Mark Drew and Chris Scott's mystery science 3000 ColdSpring session
7:00 | BOF: Getting started with iPhone development - Matthews / Cyr / Vega
8:00 | BOF: Application Security - Shelton / Dean
Saturday May 16th
9:00 | jQuery and AIR development - Matthews (yours truly)
10:15 | Developing AIR applications with JavaScript - Bateman
11:30 | Essential Flex and ColdFusion - Rushin
1:45 | JavaScript Death Match: jQuery vs Ext vs Spry - Wiersma
3:00 | Code Reviews and mentoring - Haskell
4:10 | Closing Remarks