New blog redesign. Come help me kick the tires!

After 3 years of using the same skin, and functionality I've decided that it's time to whip up something new. So welcome to the newly designed, and rethought, If you're in the web development indudstry you know that things change at such a rapid pace that it's difficult to keep up. Well, the same holds true for UI. The old blog was a little tough to read, and was very cluttered. This new design is much cleaner...focusing on the content, which is why you're here after all right?

Some of the new functionality that I'm proud of?

What's else can you expect?

Who's to thank?

Lend me a hand?

While I'm pretty confident I killed most bugs in the new design I'm sure I didn't get all of them. If you notice anything out of the ordinary would you mind letting me know? Add in your OS, browser, and version if you don't mind, along with a URL of the page you were viewing.